@article{176731, author = {Moein Malekakhlagh and Alexandru Petrescu and Hakan E. T{\"u}reci}, title = {Non-Markovian dynamics of a superconducting qubit in an open multimode resonator}, abstract = { We study the dynamics of a transmon qubit that is capacitively coupled to an open multimode superconducting resonator. Our effective equations are derived by eliminating resonator degrees of freedom while encoding their effect in the Green{\textquoteright}s function of the electromagnetic background. We account for the dissipation of the resonator exactly by employing a spectral representation for the Green{\textquoteright}s function in terms of a set of non-Hermitian modes and show that it is possible to derive effective Heisenberg-Langevin equations without resorting to the rotating-wave, two-level, Born, or Markov approximations. A well-behaved time-domain perturbation theory is derived to systematically account for the nonlinearity of the transmon. We apply this method to the problem of spontaneous emission, capturing accurately the non-Markovian features of the qubit dynamics, valid for any qubit-resonator coupling strength. }, year = {2016}, journal = {Physical Review A}, volume = {94}, pages = {063848}, month = {12/2016}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1103\%2Fphysreva.94.063848}, doi = {10.1103/physreva.94.063848}, language = {eng}, }