@article{176696, keywords = {mesoscopics, optics}, author = {Camille Aron and Manas Kulkarni and Hakan E. T{\"u}reci}, title = {Photon-Mediated Interactions: A Scalable Tool to Create and Sustain Entangled States of N Atoms}, abstract = { We propose and study the use of photon-mediated interactions for the generation of long-range steady-state entanglement between N atoms. Through the judicious use of coherent drives and the placement of the atoms in a network of cavity QED systems, a balance between their unitary and dissipative dynamics can be precisely engineered to stabilize a long-range correlated state of qubits in the steady state. We discuss the general theory behind such a scheme and present an example of how it can be used to drive a register of N atoms to a generalized W state and how the entanglement can be sustained indefinitely. The achievable steady-state fidelities for entanglement and its scaling with the number of qubits are discussed for presently existing superconducting quantum circuits. While the protocol is primarily discussed for a superconducting circuit architecture, it is ideally realized in any cavity QED platform that permits controllable delivery of coherent electromagnetic radiation to specified locations. }, year = {2016}, journal = {Physical Review X}, volume = {6}, pages = {011032}, issn = {2160-3308}, url = {https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevX.6.011032}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevX.6.011032}, language = {eng}, }